香奈兒2009限量耶誕彩妝中台灣版不知道有沒有包括這款#471號的限量指甲油(色號名為"Ming",應該指的是東方中國風的明朝). 同時出的唇釉好像有同一款色也是"Ming".
Chanel Le Vernis Nail Colour "Ming" (#471) is a 2009 release along with the rouge laque in the same shade.
這色是很典雅又不失甜美的粉紅淺玫瑰色,帶著淡淡的亮粉感. 很春天的指尖色, 質地並不是完全的透明也不是濃郁的奶油感,標準的適合擦兩層的色澤.
擦起來有Chanel指甲油一慣的品質,滑順而服貼,不過在我慣用的Seche Vite透明指甲油下似乎很容易以片狀的剝落,有點苦手...用別牌的上層透明色可能比較合適.
Ming is a very classic candy rose pink with tiny shimmers, it applies smoothly like most Chanel nailpolishes, it's a sweet pink, very girly and great for the Australian spring/summer right now.
I know that a all these pastel pinks can see pretty generic from time to time, but this is probably easily one that I'd reach for quite often. It's a sweet pink without screaming 'look I'm wearing such a generic pink'- as soon as I wore this, at least 2 people asked what color I was wearing and commented on how nice it looks.
Here it is with 2 coats, indoor flash:
See...pretty much like how it is in the bottle with two coats- one coat is a little bit too translucent though.
As with normal Chanel formula, I do find that it is prone to chipping or flaking quite quickly (within 2 days)- I wonder if it's not compatible with the topcoat I'm using (Seche Vite). I used a basecoat- Orly bonder which is basically translucent too (but obviously didn't seem to help it last longer with this one).
整體來說我知道很多牌子中這瓶像基本款的粉紅色,不過我手邊一堆的OPI還有其他的Chanel指甲油來說好像沒有完全一樣的..這瓶跟之前出的"Rose Satin"色是不同的粉紅,Rose Satin可能淡一點.
Overall a gorgeous color, very feminine, it's different to a few other Chanel pinks I have like rose satin or pink satin etc. Will have to update this post once I figure out whether there's any dupes in other OPI colors I have...