OPI 的NL B01 色號英文名是"Strawberried in the sand" - 就是沙中的草莓的意思囉...這色好像最近停產不過找找應該還有蠻多人在賣的.
雖然英文名說是有些草莓的意思...不過我看不大出是怎麼草莓法...並不是鮮紅欲滴的熟透的草莓色...有不是草莓果醬般的透明感, 我只勉強聯想到草莓棒棒糖的那種深粉紅色啊...
這一色是深一點的亮粉紅...充滿夏季味道...適合沙灘的那種粉紅, 帶有一點金粉的金屬般的色澤...並不是俗豔的桃紅感,反而比較偏一小點的珊瑚色..
OPI “Strawberried in the Sand” (code NL B01) is probably on the brighter end of the pink color spectrum that's almost at the edge of my comfort zone. It is a discontinued color so might be a bit hard to find (but definitely not super rare). On some websites it is described as a ‘shimmery peachy orange’ – and I’ve read various reviews saying it’s a coral. However, on my nails it as at best a pink with the tiniest hint of coral. It is not an opaque color nor a creme, in the bottle it looks like a fluidy, semi transparent glossy pink base with a lot of very very fine pink iridescence/ shimmers that flecks a slightly hotter pink and a very subtle gold. It applies translucent in one coat but almost full color in 3 coats. Overall on the nail it doesn't look good with one translucent coat because the tip of your nailtip will show. (see picture below).
One coat is quite sheer: 一層是有點透明的 With 2 coats: 兩層後就很發色..
一般來說我蠻怕擦鮮艷的色彩,很容易就變的有點俗...不過這色不虧是OPI 的價格...它本身的金色細粉折射的光澤讓它就是很夏天的開朗色..幾乎有點像珍珠般的折射..質感也是OPI出名的滑順易擦...