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Sonia Rykiel 2008 Christmas limited edtion collection is called the "Pink Kiss Collection". Features a range of products with the pink lips signature print in the middle, including 2 eyeglosses, 3 nailpolishes, 3 lipgloss pots and this "Face Powder 01" (I think that's it for this compact's official English name, strange least for the Chinese name they made up a name along the lines of 'Mysterious Kiss Sparkly Contour Compact").

全品有6.3g,不算小, 不過台幣1680的價錢有點些過份 , 是這樣介紹的:

可恣意刷在T字部位、脖子、鎖骨與手臂上,讓女人的甜美性感不只僅在雙唇, 臉部,讓全身都能同時散發出女性魅力!

The face powder retails for $1680NT which is approximately 55USD for 6.3g product, a bit on the hefty side.  Product description indicates it's a face powder/illuminator/contour or highlight powder all in one, to be brushed on T-zone, neck, decolletage and arms, to show off the sweet sexy female beauty blahblahblah. The pink lip section contains gold + white pearl pigments to bring natural shine, while the remaining refined powders gives a soft-focus effect to hideaway small flaws, to make skin complexion look more refined and translucent. Contains moisturising plant extracts to maintain supple skin.

桃粉紅的盒子,和餅的外殼一樣同色. 外殼是帶霧金屬桃紅,不會沾指紋.

Comes in a cute bright pink box, same color as the shiny metallic fuschia pink compact itself (non finger print magnet surface finish! yay). Very feminine.

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按壓式的開合, 內有一個塑膠隔版,型狀剛好放著刷具. 很柔順的毛.

Snap closure, contains a plastic tray which sits the soft brush, which is quite well made with soft bristles. Compact is very nice looking and very well made.

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底色是月光白的珍珠白色,細緻到看不到明顯的珠光或亮粉, 白肌人打上整臉當蜜粉都可以吧, 或者抹重一點當打亮色在眉骨或T字部位也很適合,雖然白色的打亮色每個人手邊都一堆,不過這個修容餅的品質真的很好,粉質細到比普通很多牌子的鬆粉(蜜粉)都細. 不過這整個餅的壓粉有點鬆,會飛粉. 這色還有粉質有點柔焦感是完全沒錯的.

中間的粉紅唇部份其實完全沒有看起來一般顯色,試色照就可以看出它是白底的超淡粉紅珠光,雖然說有珠光(試色照看起來金色的),不過實際肉眼下是淺粉紅香檳金珠光白.  本來很希望這個餅是可以當修容打亮+腮紅的產品,不過就算白雪公主再世也不可能當腮紅滴...   珠光比白底重蠻多,不過還是夠細也很含蓄.


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Contains two shades, the outter base shade is an off-white pearl, extremely subtly shimmery highlighter, or I'd rather call it an off-white translucent finish powder, it's subtle enough to be dusted all over face without showing visible shimmers, but applying a tad more, can definitely work well as a browbone or t-zone highlighter, extremely finely milled with a soft-focus effect.

The middle lip print section goes all the way through- it's a light pink based highlighter with very pale champagne-gold and white pearly shimmers, it's not deep enoguh to show up as any sort of pink on actual skin, the pink merely provides a pinkish base to it. This shade is more shimmery than the base shade, and pigment particles appear bigger (But still very fine compared to, e.g. MAC minieralised skinfinishes). Let's just say, even Snow White cannot carry off this as a blush...which is really what I hoped it was! a highlighter + blush in one.

Overall the powder is extremely high quality and finely milled, the shimmers are very nice and sophisticated sort of finish, makes a good higlighter. However, it's not very firmly pressed so there's some flyaway powder easily.  For the pricetag and color selection, this is only yet another many, many, many highlighters I have and probably would not be a favorite.

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Left: White layer alone, you can see it applies a soft-focused white shimmer, finely milled.

Middle: Pink section alone, you can see the faintest pink tint and how there is more pale pink-champagne gold shimmers to it.

Right: mixed, becomes a pastel pinkish white highlighter.


其他同系列彩妝(圖來自 那個看起來像藍色的指甲油其實是深紫黑色的.

Picture of other products from, the blue polish is totally off color, it's meant to be a dark blackened eggplant.


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