
 希望有搶先發到 頭文啊 ... 剛收到的Paul & Joe 2009限量春妝:

Paul & Joe 001 CS Ingenue (1).JPG

Iswii的公關文是這色的字喔. 黑字是我的. 基本上限量春妝主打兩盤三色眼彩盤以及二色唇膏,主題是:

令人撲通心跳的純真眼神  夢境般完美女性的迷人眼神



(Paul & Joe English website screenshot about the makeup theme for 2009 Spring, basically it's about old Hollywood Premiere, innocent but sexy, a low key red carpet look).

The collection features 2 limited edition eyeshadow palettes, #001 Ingenue and #002 Starlet (I'll review #001 separately in another post).

Also features 2 limited edition lipsticks, very small collection this year, I guess the 2008 X'mas collection featured two LE cheek colors already so they probably skipped the cheek color for Spring LE.

However, there are also non-LE releases, mostly eyeshadow singles and lipsticks (these will be housed in their usual pearly pink casings, while LE collections are typically cardboard packagings with the signature Paul & Joe romantic prints).

Paul & Joe Ingenue 2009 Spring.JPG



061 BACKSTAGE(幕後)是綠花草包裝,唇膏是"光亮米色系",

062 OPENING NIGHT(首場演出)包裝是粉紅底+紅花,唇膏是 "呈現高質感與華麗光芒的珠光粉紅色系".

The two limited collection lipsticks are #061 Backstage which is a "clear, radiant beige" and #062 Opening Night which is a 'blushing pearl pink'.

 I only managed to pre-order #062 Opening night and will definitely try to get my hand on the other lipstick.

English website extract: 英文官網說明:

Paul & Joe spring 09 lipsticks.JPG


Actual item looks like this...the cardboard packaging is carved out so you can see what the lipstick print is like, this is the LE collection packagings..

Paul & Joe lipstick #62 opening night (1).JPG

Lipstick casing and back of package with ingredients:


Paul & Joe lipstick #62 opening night (3).JPGPaul & Joe lipstick #62 opening night (2).JPG 

Beautiful signature flower prints on the lipsticks...


Paul & Joe lipstick #62 opening night (5).JPG

Like most Paul & Joe lipsticks, looks darker in the tube than applied.


Paul & Joe lipstick #62 opening night (4).JPG

The removable cardboard casing, it's great quality, and once you finish the inside you can replace it with regular Paul & Joe lipsticks. It just clicks in securely!


Paul & Joe lipstick #62 opening night.jpg

Swatch on the left are indirect sunlight with flash, on the right is flash under more yellow indoor light. Both show good swatch colors as visually close on my monitor as the real thing.


Paul & Joe #62 swatch a (2).JPG          Paul & Joe #62 swatch a (1).JPG  

先買了062色. 其實是很低調的中等色的膚粉紅啊 (沒看到華麗光芒),沒放我的裸唇照因為我的唇色很不穩定,今天偏蒼白,拍出來的比平常淡蠻多的. 唇色很不均,一般是紅一些的.  從試色照也看的出來是很低調的珠光,只是讓唇部微發亮,沒有任何明顯的亮片.

如其他Paul&Joe的唇膏,細膩的色澤,發色很均勻, 是偏薄的唇膏,上起來質感跟護唇膏差不多,很輕易的就滑過. 上了唇是嫩膚中等粉紅,不會讓唇部顯得蒼白,很愛這色啊... 應該不能完全遮蓋紅唇的人,不過會讓唇色偏粉紅一些.

雖然很多牌子都出這色,是標準嫩膚粉紅色,而且NT950的價格實在不親民.... 可是還是很美啊..

打底護唇膏擦的是Fresh牌, Sugar Lip Treatment.

Lipstick swatches on my lips (topped over Fresh Sugar lip treatment as lipbalm). My lips are a bit pale today (usually it's a deeper rose pink), so it shows the color better, #062 Opening Night is basically a nude-pink (by nude I mean it's those melt in your natural lip sort of color, a very wearable light-to-medium pink that is not loud or bright), very fine pearling, no visible shimmers, the pearling is just enough to make my lips look full and soft and glowy.

Typical Paul & Joe formulation, softly creamy but without ending up clumping, very good pigmentation even though it feels like air on the lips, definitely more a sheer lipstick formulation, almost like applying a lipbalm, but without the issue of greasiness with lots of the 'sheer' lipsticks out on the market. Your natural lip color will definitely affect the wear of this color on the lips.

Pictures are taken without flash under natural light. I think 1st pic is closest to real color.

窗旁的自然光拍的,沒開閃光: (實際上深一點吧,不過還是很嫩的粉紅): 左上比較接近實色.

   paul & joe #62 opening night swatch (2).JPG paul & joe #62 opening night swatch (3).JPG  

paul & joe #62 opening night swatch (1).JPG 的公關圖文: 想辦法買另一色啊, 實在對Paul & Joe 沒抵抗力  

共2色 各NT$950


061 BACKSTAGE(幕後) 令人撲通心跳般的光亮米色系



 062 OPENING NIGHT(首場演出) 呈現高質感與華麗光芒的珠光粉紅色系



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