
繼續搶頭文..一月一日開賣的Paul & Joe 花漾幸福限量眼彩盤#001 Ingenue (純真少女)!

Paul & Joe Limited Edition Spring 2009 release: Eye Color Palette CS- 001 Ingenue review & swatch

Paul & Joe 001 CS Ingenue (2).JPG


有兩色, 看起來都是大地色,先買了主打色(NT1650..)..另一盤據說是紫/灰色, 怎麼都看不出來 =.=......

英文官網的圖, 主打001色Ingenue(純真少女) 是珠光米色×珠光棕色×灰色 "呈現出令人撲通心跳的純真眼神"

002 STARLET(年輕女伶) 珠光粉紅×珠光灰色×紫色 "呈現出夢境般完美女性的迷人眼神。"

English website extract, 2 LE palettes,  #001 Ingenue contains "pearl beige, pearl brown and gray"

#002 Starlet contains "Pearl pink, pearl grey and purple".

#001 was the featured color which is the one I got, the other palette is meant to be a more red carpet shade in the grey/purple sort of spectrum.

The RRP is $1650NT (which is approx 50USD, unfortunately Paul & Joe isn't that cheap in Taiwan).

Paul & Joe Spring 09 eye.JPG  

Iswii 說:

共兩款 (3色入) 各NT$1,650



English official website promo pic:


Great quality packaging, the compact is plastic with the same print as the cardboard pacakging. Unfortunately both LE palettes come in the same pacakging, I wish they'd made it different.

The compact contains a plastic separator with Paul & Joe printed on it, in addtion to a pearly white double-ended eyeshadow brush, (brush/ sponge tip).

有點暗的開箱圖,很有質感的紙盒, 這次的彩盤是塑膠盒,同樣的印花,一樣有質感說, 兩種限量盤好像偷懶,都印一樣的花紋.

有印著Paul & Joe 的塑膠片隔著. 附一隻珍珠白雙頭眼影刷,一邊是刷毛一邊是海綿.

Paul & Joe 001 CS Ingenue (12).JPG

Back of box and the compact:


Paul & Joe 001 CS Ingenue (3).JPG


Unfortunately the darkest shade had some flyaway powder which made its way to the sponge tip applicator.

Closest to actual color: 這張圖最接近實色:

Paul & Joe 001 CS Ingenue (7).JPG

Indoor natural light, flash: 室內自然光,開閃光:

Paul & Joe 001 CS Ingenue (8).JPG

Paul & Joe 001 CS Ingenue (10).JPG

Paul & Joe 001 CS Ingenue (11).JPG

試色圖~ 同樣的順序:

左: 有點濕潤的粉質感,纖細的淡珠光,沒有明顯的亮片,奶油米色,漂亮但是有點普普...

中: 一樣有點濕潤的粉質感,中等的褐色,不大確定..不過對我來說有點像帶點漂亮的灰底 (不是顯髒的那種),把它變的更有質感一點. 一樣有細珠光.

右: 很深的灰色,帶點深巧克力感, 不過整體來說還是灰色的. 偏乾燥一點的粉質,粉又更細一點, 發色很好,絕對夠當眼線色.  

Left: Buttery soft creamy pearly beige, the consistency is more moist powder, good pigmentation, albeit a bit generic color.

Middle: Medium soft pearly brown (reflects a light gold pearl), almost a brown taupe (if it was a tad more grey), buttery consistency like the left color, decent pigmentation

Right: a very dark charcoal grey with a touch of brown, dark enough to be a liner shade. It's a bit dry compared to the other two shades, but appears super finely milled. There's still some glow to it, but definitely not as pearly or glowy as the other two shades.

Paul & Joe 001 CS Ingenue (9).JPG

Window daylight, distant flash, but quite true to color. 閃光的自然光,窗旁. 最近原色.

Paul & Joe 001 CS Ingenue (4).JPG

No flash, shade. 無閃光的自然光,窗旁. 中間色照起來偏黃,不過右色可看出灰色帶點褐感.

Paul & Joe 001 CS Ingenue (5).JPG

Overall, unfortunately I'm a bit dissappointed in this palette, I should've been able to tell it was going to be another earth toned palette based on the website descriptions, for about $50USD RRP it is a real ripoff aside from the pretty packaging. I guess if you really do love Paul & Joe packaging and actually missing a warm-neutral toned basic brown palette, this is is an ok purchase.

整體來說有點失望, 除了很漂亮的包裝, 整個是鬼打牆,沒有任何一色很特殊, NT1650很不便宜...雖說我有心理準備(活該挑了大地色!! <-- 不過買時賣家只有這色..) ,還是很心碎啊..

還在想要不要買#002色 >.<........... 粉紅加紫灰聽起來很美...

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